About us

VOKOMOKUM is a food cooperative in Amsterdam. By working collectively, members have access to high-quality, fairly-priced and local products from transparent sources. All products are organic and vegetarian.

Vokomokum members in the Dokzaal during pickup day

VOKOMOKUM is a growing collective of diverse people who want to get their food in an honest and social way. By committing to the benefit of the whole, we all enjoy good food at almost wholesale prices while pursuing a sustainable society. Inspired by the model of Park Slope Food Coop in New York, at Vokomokum each member contributes a few hours of their time every other month. Orders are placed monthly and the pick-up day is usually on the last Friday of the month at Plantage Dok. Vokomokum is not just an online shop – it’s a hands-on co-op and a community. We strive to support sustainable and local agriculture, prevent waste and build a healthy, vibrant community.

Fresh veg in crates at a vokomukum pickup day

What can you expect from being a member of VOKOMOKUM?

Good quality organic, vegetarian food at almost wholesale prices. A new social network of people from diverse backgrounds.

Only members can order. To become a member you need to attend an orientation. Please check Upcoming Dates to the right to see when the next one is being held. Meetings take place via Zoom. Mail membership@vokomokum.nl to receive the Zoom link.

A non-refundable membership fee [€10 per adult per household, max €50] will be added to your first bill.  Due to lack of storage space members are expected to collect their order on the pick up day or arrange someone else to collect the order. Orders are placed in bulk – this means that some orders might not go through each month.

All members are expected to join a work group and do a shift every other month to evenly distribute the workload and to familiarize themselves with how the co-op works. Apart from running the pick-up day, members also contribute to IT, finding new (local) sources, administrative assistance, etc.
